
Pino will not print logs when the event loop is blocked, but console.log will

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm running into an odd error where Pino is not printing logs unless an exception is thrown.

Here's my config:

const opts: PinoOpts = {
  redact: {
    // these just cause clutter
    paths: ["pid", "hostname"],
    remove: true,
  transport: {
    targets: [],
  level: "trace",
  target: "pino-pretty",
  options: {

const logger = pino(opts)

console.log("BEFORE ...")"SOME LOG MESSAGE ....")
console.log("AFTER ...")

// if I comment the below line, I don't see any logs
throw new Error("hi")

What could be be going on? Is there some sort of buffering?

Ok, I figured out the issue. When the event-loop is almost blocked because there's an infinite while-loop, pino will not print anything. The problem is -- this is quite bad, because it is precisely when the event loop is blocked that I don't want my logs to go silent.

I'd rather sacrifice lots of performance, then have pino not prevent logs when the event loop is blocked. Example: (will add)

Regarding console.log: that is true only if you are logging to a TTY. If you are logging to another process, or a file, it would be asynchronous as well, with exactly the same behavior (at some point the process will stop logging and will crash with out of memory).

Regarding transports, I actually think we can support this behavior by allowing users to set sync: true in ThreadStream constructor. I actually added that with this specific purpose long ago but in the end I didn't feel the need. If you want to send a PR, it would be awesome.

This is generically a tradeoff between various concerns and it really depends on your application. The defaults here are generically the best tradeoff we could came up with.
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