
Consideration: Auto completion for level option

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The level option doesn't support auto-completion:


Line 347 in 9328478

level?: LevelWithSilent | string;


LiteralUnion makes this possible (without type errors for custom string): microsoft/TypeScript#29729

interface LoggerOptions {
    level?: LevelWithSilent | (string & {});
    // ...


This would improve the developer experience.


However, I don't know if it can be implemented yet, ...

typescript 4.4 is mentioned here (doesn't supports it → there won't be any auto-completion, the behavior should be the same as now):


Line 16 in 9328478

// TypeScript Version: 4.4

but version 5.3.1 is used in package.json, this version already supports the technique used in LiteralUnion:

"typescript": "^5.1.3",

Thanks for reporting! Would you like to send a Pull Request to address this issue? Remember to add unit tests.

Happy to bump TypeScript!

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