
TS2344 & TS2339 errors on building with v8.17

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

Type '{ customLevels: { log: number; }; }' does not satisfy the constraint 'string'. Property 'log' does not exist on type 'Logger<{ customLevels: { log: number; }; }>'.

Works fine with Pino 8.15.0.

Thanks for reporting!

Can you provide steps to reproduce? We often need a reproducible example, e.g. some code that allows someone else to recreate your problem by just copying and pasting it. If it involves more than a couple of different file, create a new repository on GitHub and add a link to that.

this is also trigger error on our pipeline. the easiest fix is define the types

export function createLogger(module: string, config?: Bindings): Logger { return log.child({ module, ...config }); }
export function createLogger(module: string, config?: Bindings): Logger<string> { return log.child({ module, ...config }); }

@Symefa @srgklmv this is impossible to fix unless we get a reproduction.

I am happy to look into it, but definitely need a reproduction.

@mcollina sorry for not adjusting code to reproduce. So here it is. Simply create logger class inside your TS project like here:

export class Logger {
  private static _instance: Logger;
  logger: PinoLogger<{ customLevels: { log: number } }>;

  constructor() {
    if (!Logger._instance) {
      Logger._instance = this;

      this.logger = pino({
        customLevels: {
          log: 5,
        level: 'log',
        transport: {
          target: 'pino-pretty',
          options: {
            colorize: true,
    return Logger._instance;

  log(msg: string, obj?: object) {
    obj ? this.logger.log(obj, msg) : this.logger.log(msg);

And then just create a new logger instance.

Thank you, guys, for your quick response!

This should work:

export class Logger {
  private static _instance: Logger;
  logger: PinoLogger<'log'>;

  constructor() {
    if (!Logger._instance) {
      Logger._instance = this;

      this.logger = pino({
        customLevels: {
          log: 5,
        level: 'log',
        transport: {
          target: 'pino-pretty',
          options: {
            colorize: true,
    return Logger._instance;

  log(msg: string, obj?: object) {
    obj ? this.logger.log(obj, msg) : this.logger.log(msg);

@mcollina this works fine!
Didn't saw the changes in 'PinoLogger' generic type, because used previous version on local mechine.

Many thanks for help! <3

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