
Pino rejecting a valid json format in case of error passed as object.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

      type: LogType.error,
      log: logPayload,

// log payload with type , complete json
  type: 'Error',
  log: {
    message: 'Error occurred while getting vertical',
    metadata: {
      error: Error: Failed to list get verticals
          at **********)
          at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
          at **********)
    // output
    {"level":50,"time":1704439345847,"pid":72737,"hostname":"ip-192-168-1-34.ap-south-1.compute.internal","context":"OfflineVerticalService","type":"Error","log":{"message":"Error occurred while getting vertical","metadata":{"error":{}}}}
  • as we can see error object is getting reject. This only happens in case of few error type like typeError

Errors are special objects that must be manually serialized. I'm guessing that you have not installed a proper serializer for it (there is no reproduction in the OP, just a snippet).