
Simple log file rotation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

If I create a new instance of pino logger, and the previous instance no longer has any references (goes out of scope), what will be the consequence? I am looking for a function exposed in the API for pino to close a file, or exit worker thread. This is to rotate log files every day, and I am wondering if after 30 days there will be 30 files still open and 30 dangling worker threads.

// logs are written by calling'message');
class PinoLogger {
  static logger = pino({
    transport: {
      target: 'pino-pretty',
      options: {
        colorize: false,
        ignore: 'pid,hostname',
        translateTime: "UTC:mm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:ss.l",
        destination: `${settings.logFilePath}/${settings.logFileName}`,

  // assumes using file logging
  static rotate(): void {
    const now = new Date();

    // renames the current file being used in the pino transport
    // logger continues to write to this file, even when file name changes

    // assign new pino instance to the logger field of the wrapper class
    // now all calls to will call this instance
    this.logger = pino({
      transport: {
        target: 'pino-pretty',
        options: {
          colorize: false,
          ignore: 'pid,hostname',
          translateTime: "UTC:mm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:ss.l",
          destination: `${settings.logFilePath}/${settings.logFileName}`,

The workers threads are automatically closed and collected if there are no references to them anymore.

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