
How to set & reset timeout for data?

mr-py-007 opened this issue · 5 comments

I am just curious to know how I can set and reset timeout for data.
For example, I want to set timeout to 15 minutes so after 15 minutes the data will be wiped out automatically.
I tried to find that in documentation but not able to figure out looking at the code or docs.

For example, something like following.

hash_client.set(key, value, timeout=90000)

hash_client.reset(key, timeout=90000)

@martinnj any comments on this?

You're looking for the touch memcache command.
It's implemented in both the base- and hash- client.

Give it a key and an expire argument and it will reset the key if it exists.

Can I set that expire argument on set command?

expire is the name of the timeout argument you're describing in your original question.
set(self, key, value, expire=0, noreply=None, flags=None)

Thank you, @martinnj
I got it!