Brokes sb-ext:with-timeout
Opened this issue · 6 comments
; SLIME 2.18
CL-USER> (defun test-timeout ()
(handler-case (sb-ext:with-timeout 2 (sleep 10))
(condition () "sb-ext:with-timeout works fine!")
(:no-error (r) (format nil "no timeout, result ~S" r))))
CL-USER> (test-timeout)
"sb-ext:with-timeout works fine!"
CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'burgled-batteries)
To load "burgled-batteries":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "burgled-batteries"
CL-USER> (test-timeout)
"no timeout, result NIL"
It seems sb-ext:with-timeout is deprecated long long ago, but why this happened ?
Thank you, pinterface.
I think you're right, after burgled-batteries is loaded, the code below fails too:
(schedule-timer (make-timer (lambda ()
(write-line "Hello, world")
Then I go checked the source of sbcl, finally found this:
It seems they use setitimer
to perform schedule actions, then I checked man setitimer
, found some signal related stuff.
But when I go through source code of burgled-batteries, I didn't find any fragments which 'register/deregister signal handlers'.
I am not familiar with C nor Common Lisp, is there any way to fix this?
I see, it's done by CPython or SBCL, not burgled-batteries, I mean 'register/deregister signal handlers'.
Thanks pinterface, I've checked the code and related docs, will give it a try.