Many samples in different branches that shows how to create microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Zipkin, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack and many more tools
- aharonamir
- ahsandar
- albarkiEgypt
- amarinkovic@nayms
- andy9775Toronto, Ontario
- BabenkoLviv, Ukraine
- bitisony
- christophegrall
- encontiOsasco - SP
- EvanCohAthens, Greece
- franklimstrandNorway
- frozenfiber
- Ganesh-ChavanNetherlands
- gledakis
- guoziShanghai, PR China
- hatemcodeMuscat Systems Development
- HeroKazuhiro
- hstrebPorto Alegre, Brasil
- iamgarunBangalore, India
- jedi-jiang
- jgallego19
- kenyeeBoston, MA
- lcollet
- lewyue
- malicktechOui.sncf
- miguelcp646
- msiddRackspace
- mysoniw
- NasruddinMaersk
- nicaeagit
- nicholas-fwangKakao Entertainment
- opklnm102
- plunixRome
- russomi@cloudtp
- talipkorkmaz
- WillBroEdinburgh, UK