
Personal bash functions handler with my personal collection of functions.

Primary LanguageShell

Stories in Ready


Your Bash power-ups at fingertips!

I'm used to use some functions sticked in my bash; usually when an alias become too rigid to do more advanced tasks, or when I need to have complex actions which requires logic. Overall I feel like functions were shell extensions which can collaborate one with other, setting up a personalised environement, much more than scripts.

So I'm just in search of a quick method to reproduce my bash functions on many computers, such as my collegues' laptops or the number of servers that I manage.

Here I have to do these steps:

git clone git://github.com/pioneerskies/bunctionsh.git
cd bunctionsh
bash ./bunctionsh.sh init

Go in bunctionsh/helpers and activate desired functions removing the _off extension.

Before doing that, please, read the WARNING!!! Please, be carefull! paragraph at the end of this README.

Script structure

├── README.md                       what you are actually reading
├── bunctionsh.sh                   the initializer
├── helpers                         custom functions: here the fun
│   ├── brew_update_all
│   ├── chweb_off
│   ├── colorize_feedback
│   ├── colorize_feedback_off
│   ├── ex_off
│   ├── exesudo_off
│   ├── git-prompt
│   ├── git-prompt_off
│   ├── lampp_off
│   └── randpass_off
└── lib                             some libs to be considered mandatory
    └── prompt_colors_helper

If I want to add some functions I barely have to put code in a file and save it in the helpers dir. I'd like to manage subdirs as well, but when I'll have too much of functions! :)

I'll collect few of them. At the moment there is:


Set right permissions to a dir recursively to work in a web-dev env.


Just a helper: I have always colorization functions for feedback from scripts


If you are in a repo have some usefull info in your $PS1 is a must! (read code comments at the bottom of the file, please)


If you use lampp you can stop/start/reload it ... just a shortcut


Generate random password like a cowboy!


Extract files: depends on zip, unrar and p7zip


Exec another function with sudo. Lose function's name autocompletion, but works great!


Updates and upgrade Brew and Cask

They are almost commented. Almost! ;)

Our Bash power-ups at fingertips!?!?

Please, if you use this little initializer drop me a pull request with your favoured and flavoured functions! I'll be glad =)

WARNING!!! Please, be carefull!

You have to keep in mind that you are executing code every time you open up a new terminal! If this code is broken, you should have a big big big big pain in the ass. Due to this I have modified the default behavoiur, so that now by default all functions are switched off. The method is stupid but painless: functions which ends in "_off" are switched off. Rename one function per time, test it in opening a new terminal; if it works you're done! If it does not work, than fix it!

####### Keywords

bash functions collection init initializer sh bashrc rc dotfiles