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This library helps you write a C# code in a functional way. It is inspired by the CSharpFunctionalExtensions library, but focuses solely on the Result type.

What makes it different?

It uses an ErrorMessage type for errors, that is not just an error message but also a type, which allows to map, suppress or otherwise handle specific errors, while making sure that creating new error types is not too verbose. The ErrorMessage also has an optional field Field for usage with field validation, so that you can correlate an error message to a specific field.

It is an opinionated solution, but I believe it is better then the alternatives:

  • simple string: very easy to instantiate but not very versatile
  • generic type: can be custom tailored but the types that need to be used get very verbose, the addition af a result itself is already making types comlicated. let's say we want to have MyType returned, the type need for a simple return like that might look something like this Task<Result<MyType, ValidationErrorType>>>
  • strictly typed errors, with each error being a separate class: adds the most flexibility, but it needs a lot of code

The failure Result is not limited to a single error message. The result stores a list of error messages, so that it's possible to, for example, validate object's fields and return all the issues.

It also adds a WarningMessage type passed with the successful Result. It is an idea I'm toying with right now, so it might still need a little polish. It allows to create an optional part of the functions chain, while still getting a feedback from that part. It has the same structure as the ErrorMessage and in fact the list of errors can be downgraded to warnings.

API examples:

General notes

In principle:

  • conditions should accept:
    • boolean true/false
    • function returning boolean () => true. Sometimes with a parameter arg => arg > 0
    • a task returning boolean () => Task.FromResult(true) or arg => Task.FromResult(arg > 0)
  • chain methods should accept both sync and async functions .Map(arg => arg + 1) .Map(arg => Task.FromResult(arg = 1)

Static methods


Returns Success or Failure result depending on the value of the condition parameter

var condition = true;
//just the Result
Result result = Result.Create(condition, new ErrorMessage("errorType", "Error message"));
//or a ValueResult
Result<string> valueResult = Result.Create(condition, "some value", new ErrorMessage("errorType", "Error message"));


Result result = Result.Success();
Result<string> valueResult = Result.Success("some value);


Result result = Result.Failure(new ErrorMessage("errorType", "Error message"));
Result<SomeType> valueResult = Result.Failure<SomeType>(new ErrorMessage("errorType", "Error message"));


SomeType? variable;

Result<SomeType> valueResult = Result.Ensure.HasValue(variable);


Result result1;
Result result2;
Result<int> valueResult1;
Result<int> valueResult2;

//if there are multiple types of results combined, only the Result will be returned
Result result = Result.Combine(result1, result2, result3);
//when possible (all the combined Results have the same type) a list of received values will be returned
Result<IEnumberable<int>> valueResult = Result.Combine(result1, result2, result3);

Extension methods


On Success, performs mutating action


On Success, if the condition is met, performs non mutating action


On Success, performs non mutating action


On Success, if the condition is met, performs non mutating action


On either Success or Failure resolves Result into a single value


On Success, performs a non essential action (Result of that action will not change the Result of the mine pipeline, instead, it's result will be converted into a warning)


On Failure, it will perform an action


Checks a condition and changes the Result accordingly


On Failure, throws an exception


Removes errors of a specified type


Removes errors of a specified type. Allows a callback. The callback can be used to infer a return value.


Removes warnings of a specified type. Allows a callback.


Adds warning.


Adds warning if the condition is met