
High memory usage for long running commands with lots of output

Karazum opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the problem

Long running commands with lots of output consume too much memory.

All stdout and stderr data is aggregated for the duration of the command, but that is a problem for commands that should run as long as possible.

Even if I run tty-command as following:

TTY::Command.new(uuid: true, printer: :null, :out => "/dev/null", :err => "/dev/null").run(cmd) { |out, err| } 

the output data is still aggregated.

And I believe the problematic code is in this method:

   def read_streams(stdout, stderr)
        stdout_data = [] 
        stderr_data = Truncator.new

        out_handler = ->(data) {
          stdout_data << data
          @printer.print_command_out_data(cmd, data)
          @block.(data, nil) if @block

        err_handler = ->(data) {
          stderr_data << data
          @printer.print_command_err_data(cmd, data)
          @block.(nil, data) if @block

        stdout_thread = read_stream(stdout, out_handler)
        stderr_thread = read_stream(stderr, err_handler)


        encoding = @binmode ? Encoding::BINARY : Encoding::UTF_8


stdout_data and stderr_data is appended without regard of using too much memory.

Actual behaviour

After few days of running a command that prints lots of data to stdout, the command is terminated by the system because it uses to much memory.

Expected behaviour

One of following:

  • create an option to collect max N bytes of stdout/stderr data
  • do not collect data if block is given with .run command
  • aggregate the data in a fixed buffer size, so that only the last N bytes are stored in memory

Describe your environment

Docker container in kubernetes

  • OS version: Debian bullseye
  • Ruby version: 2.7.6
  • TTY::Command version: 0.10.1