
suggestion: csv

gurgeous opened this issue · 4 comments

Another one - TTY could support csv reading & writing. Arrays of hashes/structs/ostructs can be written to csv, and reading a csv returns an array of structs.

def csv_read(path)
def csv_write(path, rows)
def csv_to_s(rows)

Let me know if you are interested.

I'm interested but I believe this kind of functionality has it's place in external tty plugins. Also, this requirement seems connected with what tty-table tries to achieve. It's easy to see how tabular data could be exported to csv or any other format. Same goes for reading data from a given format. It's worth taking time to think of different formatting types tsv, latex etc... and how things can be handled more generically.

I'm usually dealing with arrays of hashes, structs, or ostructs. They are somewhat interchangeable and more useful than plain old arrays. Is it worth modifying tty-table to take a similar approach?

I'd be happy to try to bake this into a tty-csv if you think that's appropriate. Personally I rely heavily on CSV files and rarely use the other variants, but I'm sure everyone has a different approach.

Hi Adam,

I'm going to close this issue due to the fact that it's outside of the tty scope. I believe this is a useful idea but at the same time tty focuses on helping build command line interfaces rather than process data per say.

In addition, I've seen quite a few libraries that attempt to solve this problem or similar thereof. For example, https://github.com/rom-rb/rom is an extremely powerful object mapper which has csv adaptor https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-csv. Also, https://github.com/buren/honey_format seems a recent attempt at working with csv more in line with what you want - at least having a cursory look.

Not a problem, thanks for considering it. honey_format looks pretty neat and may fill the gap. I have basic support for this in my scripto helper as well.