iOS Debugger Challenge
This iOS app was written to practice the following techniques:
- iOS Debugger Challenge
- Challenge: Method Swizzling on non-jailbroken device
- Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (ptrace)
- Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (sysctl)
- Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (Exception Ports)
- Challenge: Hook Apple's Random String function
- Challenge: Find Encryption key
- Challenge: Dancing with Threads
- Challenge: Secure Enclave key generation
Challenge: Method Swizzling on non-jailbroken device
Why Swizzle
? If you understand swizzling
you understand part of Objective-C's
beauty. Read this from Apple
The Objective-C language defers as many decisions as it can from compile time and link time to runtime. Whenever possible, it does things dynamically.
My goal was to method swizzle
. I wanted to swap out a real random
value with a value that I had chosen (42
), as the below picture describes:
Step 1: Use a debugger to find information
(lldb) dclass -m YDObjCFramework
Dumping classes
(lldb) methods YDHelloClass
<YDHelloClass: 0x10ef63128>:
in YDHelloClass:
Class Methods:
+ (void) sayStaticHello; (0x10ef62ec0)
Instance Methods:
- (long) getRandomNumber; (0x10ef62e90)
(NSObject ...)
(lldb) exp import YDObjCFramework
(lldb) exp let $a = YDHelloClass()
(lldb) exp $a.getRandomNumber()
(Int) $R4 = 7981
(lldb) exp $a.getRandomNumber()
(Int) $R6 = 1021
(lldb) exp $a.getRandomNumber()
(Int) $R8 = 1614
Step 2: Write Swizzle code
I needed to write the code that would target the following information:
Class = YDHelloClass
Instance Method = getRandomNumber
I went back to xCode
and selected New\Project\iOS\Framework\Objective-C
. Using Objective-C runtime
APIs, I wrote code that would target Alice's SDK.
+ (void)load
Class orignalClass = objc_getClass("YDHelloClass");
if (orignalClass != nil) {
NSLog(@"\n[+] 🎣 Found YDHelloClass\n[+] 🎣 Placing hook on getRandomNumber\n");
Method original, swizzled;
original = class_getInstanceMethod(orignalClass, @selector(getRandomNumber));
swizzled = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(fakeRandomNumber));
if(original != nil && swizzled != nil)
method_exchangeImplementations(original, swizzled);
To read the full code, go [here][70b2d1d9].
Step 3: Place the Swizzle
Step 3, before I did this on a physical iOS device, I wanted to complete it with a simulator. I used my trusty debugger connected to the app running on an XCode simulator:
lldb) process load /Users/.../swizzle_framework.framework/swizzle_framework
[+] 🎣 Found YDHelloClass
[70b2d1d9]: "YDObjCFramework"
Loading "/Users/.../swizzle_framework.framework/swizzle_framework"...ok
Image 0 loaded.
After applying the method swizzle
you would always get a 42
Repackage app
The way to solve this challenge on a real iOS device depended on whether you had a jailed or jailbroken device. I had a clean, jailed iOS12 device. I chose to repackage the debuggerChallenge.ipa file. This involves taking it apart, adding the dynamic framework
that contained the Swizzle code and putting the app back together.
For more info on repackaging apps read here.
My approach
- Build and run Debugger Challenge within xCode.
- Copy the
(which is a folder
from Finder). - Copy Bob's framework to the folder.
- Insert a load command with Optool to the app's binary.
- Put the directory inside a new, empty folder named
. - Compress the
folder tounsigned.ipa
. - Use
to re-sign everything inside the IPA. - Use
to get the freshly signed app onto the Jailed device.
It all sounded simple. But I hit roadblocks:
Hiccup: OpTool
// get a local copy of OpTool
git clone
Make initialize optool’s submodules:
cd optool/
git submodule update --init --recursive // this was the command I missed!
Hiccup: Load Command
You have to tell the main app binary to load this new framework.
optool install -c load -p "@executable_path/Frameworks/YDBobSwizzle.framework/YDBobSwizzle" -t Payload/
If it worked you would see..
Found FAT Header
Found thin header...
Found thin header...
Inserting a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command for architecture: arm
Successfully inserted a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command for arm
Inserting a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command for architecture: arm64
Successfully inserted a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command for arm64
Writing executable to
Verify it...
jtool -arch arm64 -l Payload/
Hiccup: Code signatures
If you forgot to code sign anything, you could not deploy it the device.
applesign -7 -i <DEVELOPER CODE SIGNING ID> -m embedded.mobileprovision unsigned.ipa -o ready.ipa
ios-deploy -b ready.ipa
ios-deploy -b
No code signature found. AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(0, device, url, options, install_callback, 0)
Hiccup: Entitlements
ios-deploy -b
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
What had gone wrong, when I code signed the IPA? Check the file the provisioning file
you passed to Applesign.
security cms -D -i embedded.mobileprovision
Expiry date, device ID were good. Had I chosen the wrong developer Code Signing ID?
<string>Rusty Magnet</string>
Let's try again with a new code signing ID!
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
applesign -7 -i <NEW DEVELOPER CODE SIGNING ID> -m embedded.mobileprovision debugger_chall_unsigned.ipa -o ready.ipa
That worked. I could install the app on the device.
Hiccup 4: White screen of death
Argh. The app won't open but it generated a crash log [] which you could get from XCode ].
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Description: DYLD, Library not loaded: @executable_path/YDBobSwizzle.dylib | Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/3F9EDE3F-7BCF-4F25-B438-9145FD3A21B7/ | Reason: image not found
Triggered by Thread: 0
I had forgotten to copy the actual framework! So I had the Load Command but no code to load!
Repeat all the above. FINALLY, it worked! The Swizzle was placed and working on a jailed
Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (ptrace)
Using ptrace
on iOS
was a commonly discussed technique to stop a debugger attaching to your iOS app. If you tried to attach a debugger AFTER a deny_attach was issued, you would see something like this...
(lldb) process attach --pid 93791
error: attach failed: lost connection
If you attached a debugger before ptrace deny_attach was set, you would see a process crash.
Use dtrace to observe the ptrace call
The header files for ptrace
were not easily available on iOS, unlike macOS. That said, you could still start issue a deny_attach on iOS.
To see this call call on an iOS Simulator, run DebuggerChallenge
and hit the ptrace
button, after writing this command:
sudo dtrace -qn 'syscall::ptrace:entry { printf("%s(%d, %d, %d, %d) from %s\n", probefunc, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, execname); }'
// ptrace(31, 0, 0, 0) from debugger_challen
This won't crash your app if you are running the app on the simulator WITHOUT XCode.
Bypass steps
Type the following into your debugger:
process attach --pid 96441 // attach to process
rb ptrace -s libsystem_kernel.dylib // set a regex breakpoint for ptrace
continue // continue after breakpoint
dis // look for the syscall
NOTE - a "waitfor" instruction, is my preferred way to start a debugger
`(lldb) process attach --name "my_app" --waitfor`
Check where your breakpoint stopped:
Return an integer 0, to sidestep the real ptrace
(lldb) thread return 0
Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (sysctl)
Sysctl was the Apple_recommended_debug_detect way to check if a debugger was attached to your app.
The same trick for Challenge 1 (ptrace) worked with sysctl. But I wanted to be more creative. I was inspired by to create a new, empty Swift framework that loaded a C function API named - you guessed it -sysctl
. That was injected into my app's process image list.
Create an empty Swift framework
I created an empty Swift project. I added the following C code. You don't need a C header file.
Write your fake sysctl API
int sysctl(int * mib, u_int byte_size, void *info, size_t *size, void *temp, size_t(f)){
static void *handle;
static void *real_sysctl;
static int fake_result = 0;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ // ensure this is only called once & not on every function call
handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib", RTLD_NOW);
real_sysctl = dlsym(handle, "sysctl"); // get function pointer
printf("Real sysctl function: %p\nFake sysctl: %p\n", real_sysctl, sysctl);
printf("HOOKED SYSCTL");
return fake_result;
Use LLDB to load your hooking framework
(lldb) image list -b rusty_bypass
error: no modules found that match 'rusty_bypass'
Load dylib from Mac into device
Now load the process...
(lldb) process load /Users/PATH_TO_FRAMEWORK/rusty_bypass.framework/rusty_bypass
Loading "/Users/PATH_TO_FRAMEWORK/rusty_bypass.framework/rusty_bypass"...ok
Image 0 loaded.
(lldb) image lookup -s sysctl // shows a great view of where the API is invoked
dlopen and dlsym
Find the load address for the sysctl
function inside the iOS app.
Find the load addresses for C API sysctl() in the symbol table
(lldb) expression (void*)dlopen("/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib",0x2)
(void *) $2 = 0x000000010e7086e0
(lldb) expression (void*)dlsym($2,"sysctl")
(void *) $3 = 0x0000000113be7c04
Ok, now check my address of my bypass...
(lldb) expression (void*)dlopen("/Users/..../rusty_bypass.framework/rusty_bypass",0x2)
(lldb) ) $4 = 0x0000604000133ec0
(lldb) expression (void*)dlsym($4,"sysctl")
(void *) $5 = 0x000000012e292dc0
Challenge - failed on first attempt....
Now the rusty_bypass
framework was loaded, I half expected it to work. No. the libsystem_kernel sysctl
was called before my own code.
Symbol table to the rescue
(lldb) image dump symtab -m libsystem_c.dylib
Now check your Load Address: 0x0000000113be7c04 for `sysctl`
Verify what you found, the easy way
(lldb) image dump symtab -m rusty_bypass`
Now check your Load Address. `0x000000012e292dc0` for `sysctl`
Set a breakpoint
(lldb) b 0x0000000113be7c04
(lldb) register read
Whoop whoop
This was the killer step. The fruits of labor...
General Purpose Registers:
rax = 0x000000000000028e
rip = 0x0000000113be7c04 libsystem_c.dylib sysctl
Change load address of API call
(lldb) register write rip 0x000000012e292dc0
rip = 0x000000012e292dc0 rusty_bypass`sysctl at hook_debugger_check.c:5
(lldb) continue
Bonus - use lldb to print when inside your fake sysctl API
I wanted to check I was inside of my hooked-sysctl. I could have added syslog
statements to achieve the same. But that missed the point of improving my lldb skills. Here was a more fun way...
(lldb) breakpoint set -p "return" -f hook_debugger_check.c
(lldb) breakpoint modify --auto-continue 1
(lldb) breakpoint command add 1
script print "hello”
(lldb) continue
Challenge: Bypass anti-debug (Exception Ports)
Another anti-debug technique on macOS was to check if a debugger was attached by looking if any of the Ports used by a Debugger returned a valid response. This relied on the C task_get_exception_ports
API. You passed in the Exception Port you wanted - in argument 2 (the RSI register).
Thanks to: Set the Exception Ports to check to a null value.
(lldb) b task_get_exception_ports
Breakpoint 3: where = libsystem_kernel.dylib`task_get_exception_ports, address = 0x00007fff6a530675
(lldb) c
Process 48185 resuming
(lldb) p $arg2
(unsigned long) $0 = 66
(lldb) reg w rsi 0
(lldb) c
Process 48185 resuming
No debugger detected
Useful references
Challenge: Hook Apple's Random String function
I started with some simple Swift code. Could I whiten the UUID to a value I predefined?
@IBAction func random_string_btn(_ sender: Any) {
let randomString = NSUUID().uuidString
present_alert_controller(user_message: "Random string: \(randomString)")
Use lldb to find the API
(lldb) image lookup -rn uuidString
<nothing returned >
(lldb) lookup NSUUID -m Foundation
14 hits in: Foundation
-[NSUUID init]
-[NSUUID hash]
Although the API was called via Swift, it was an Objective-C Class.I attached frida
to learn more.
[iPhone::Debug CrackMe]-> ObjC.classes.NSUUID.UUID().toString();
You could invoke the class with lldb:
(lldb) po [NSUUID UUID]
<__NSConcreteUUID 0x6000006374a0> 6BC8E049-2EFD-4BAA-B2AB-456E69AC74F8
(lldb) po [NSUUID UUID]
<__NSConcreteUUID 0x60400043fbc0> A41E59A5-C7C6-470F-88ED-48130BD85D1F
This was interesting. Every time you called that static method
it would add the pointer to the heap. They were not deallocated. Perhaps this was a way to ensure a repeated GUID was never given?
A disassemble revealed some interesting elements.
(lldb) disassemble -n "+[NSUUID UUID]" -c10
If you move to the init call - in the asm code, the 32-byte field was set to zeros.
(lldb) po (char*) $rax
<__NSConcreteUUID 0x6040006234a0> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Failed on first attempt....
It appeared you could not trust the return register. As it did not match what Swift presented to the user.
failed on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, n attempts
frida-trace -m "*[NSUUID **]" -U -f funky-chicken.debugger-challenge
Instrumenting 27 functions.
The 4 I cared about were as follows:
-[NSUUID init]:
-[__NSConcreteUUID UUIDString]:
generated a javascript file template when the above command ran. I changed the javascript code to:
onLeave: function (log, retval, state) {
var message = ObjC.Object(retval);
log("[+][__NSConcreteUUID UUIDString] -->\n\"" + message.toString() + "\"");
Something was odd about this API. It generated multiple UUID's every time you called the API. But with Frida or lldb I could never find the actual return value going back to the swift code which was simply:
let randomString = UUID()
Challenge: Find Encryption key
I added a popular RNCryptor
wrapper around Apple's CommonCrypto library. I statically embedded this into the Debugger Challenge instead of adding as a CocoaPod.
The CommonCrypto API CCCryptorCreate init
was the target. It was invoked behind this Swift code that called into the RNCryptor.encrypt
// Encrypt
let myString = "Ewoks don't wear pyjamas."
let myData = String.Encoding.utf8)! as Data // note, not using NSData
let password = "AAAAAAAA" // eight 0x41 values in hex
let ciphertext = RNCryptor.encrypt(data: myData, withPassword: password)
Leveraging Frida-Trace
frida-trace -i "CCCryptorCreate*" -U "Debug CrackMe"
Out of the box, this tells you interesting information.
Trace | RNCryptor Definition |
op=0x0 | Encrypt |
alg=0x0 | kCCAlgorithmAES128 |
options=0x1 | kCCOptionPKCS7Padding |
keyLength=0x20 | kCCKeySizeAES256 = 32 (0x20 in hex) |
key | A pointer to the Binary key (Data encoded) |
iv | A pointer to the Binary I.V. (Data encoded) |
cryptorRef | Opaque reference to a CCCryptor object |
Watch the encryption key with a Frida-Script
/* Usage: frida -U "Debug CrackMe" -l cc_hook.js --no-pause */
console.log("[+] script started...")
if (ObjC.available)
if (Process.isDebuggerAttached() == true)
console.log("[+] Debugger attached, in addition to Frida.");
var a = Process.arch.toString()
console.log("[+] Device chip: " + a);
var f = Module.findExportByName("libcommonCrypto.dylib","CCCryptorCreate");
if (f){
console.log("[+] Found common crypto: " + f);
Interceptor.attach(f, {
onEnter: function (args) {
console.log("inside init statement for CCCryptorCreate. Key, IV and algorithm available");
console.log("[+] Objective-C Runtime not available!");
console.log("[+] ...script completed")
Where is the plaintext about to be encrypted?
If you look at this API will lead to the Encryption Key. But what if I want the actual plaintext that is being encrypted? You can use lldb to show the lifecycle of the CommonCrypto API calls. The flow is the same for encrypt and decrypt.
(lldb) rb CCCrypt
- CCCryptorCreate
- CCCryptorCreateWithMode
- CCCryptorGetOutputLength
- CCCryptorUpdate
- CCCryptorGetOutputLength
- CCCryptorFinal
- CCCryptorRelease
The man page tells you the plaintext is sent into this API:
CCCryptorUpdate(CCCryptorRef cryptorRef, const void *dataIn,
size_t dataInLength, void *dataOut, size_t dataOutAvailable,
size_t *dataOutMoved);
Now we have our target - argument 2 - let's use lldb to reveal the plaintext.
RDI - first arg, RSI - second arg, RCX - fourth arg
lldb) rb CCCryptorUpdate
Breakpoint 1: where = libcommonCrypto.dylib`CCCryptorUpdate, address = 0x000000010b91092c
(lldb) c
Process 11315 resuming
(lldb) register read
General Purpose Registers:
rsi = 0x000060400044a2a0
Note -> RSI can be access via $arg2 in lldb
(lldb) po (char*) $arg2
"Ewoks don't wear pyjamas."
(lldb) memory read 0x000060400044a2a0
0x60400044a2a0: 45 77 6f 6b 73 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 77 65 61 72 Ewoks don't wear
0x60400044a2b0: 20 70 79 6a 61 6d 61 73 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pyjamas........
What is the decrypted plaintext?
(lldb) b CCCryptorFinal
(lldb) c
(lldb) po (char*) $arg2
(lldb) po (char*) $rsi
(lldb) mem read 0x00006040000106a0 -c10
Sometimes, the decrypted text was not together. I had an assumption this related to the C Malloc
API - that was used the hood by CommonCrypto. Malloc
was not always given sequential blocks of memory from the O/S.
Failed to get raw key
(lldb) rb CCCryptorCreateWithMode
Breakpoint 1: where = libcommonCrypto.dylib`CCCryptorCreateWithMode, address = 0x00000001826c8474
(lldb) rb CCCryptorCreateWithMode
API definition from Apple:
CCCryptorCreateWithMode(op, mode, alg, padding, iv, key, keyLength, tweak, tweakLength, numRounds, modeOptions, cryptorRef);
To get the Key Length.....
(lldb) po (size_t) $arg7
32 // 256 bit key
To get the raw key...
(lldb) memory read -s4 -fx -c32 $arg6
<< never get an understandble key, in here. >>
Using the CCCryptorCreate API spec, we can see which arguments to read.
CCCryptorCreate(CCOperation op, CCAlgorithm alg, CCOptions options,
const void *key, size_t keyLength, const void *iv,
CCCryptorRef *cryptorRef);
With a pre-defined key 16 byte key (128 bits), I can read it with the following debugger commands.
(lldb) b CCCryptorCreate
Breakpoint 1: where = libcommonCrypto.dylib`CCCryptorCreate, address = 0x000000010a6d51b7
(lldb) reg read $arg4
rcx = 0x000060800003a590
(lldb) mem read 0x000060800003a590
0x60800003a590: 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
(lldb) memory read -s16 -fC $arg4
0x60800003a590: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
(lldb) memory read -s16 -fx -c1 $arg4
0x60800003a590: 0x41414141414141414141414141414141
If you read the Initialization vector, lldb cannot display a lot of the characters. That is because the code callinto into the API SecRandomCopyBytes
which gives a lot of extended / non-Ascii characters. You can still read it by forcing it to print in hex.
(lldb) mem read -s1 -fx $arg6
0x6080002668c0: 0x46 0xbc 0x72 0xc9 0x04 0xfb 0xb5 0xd6
Useful references
Challenge: Dancing with Threads
The idea of this challenge was to focus on Threads rather the U.I. of the app. There were two background threads that were each adding to an array.
Attempt 1 - NSThread sleepForTimeInterval
Set a good breakpoint and make sure you are on the correct thread:
(lldb) exp NSTimeInterval $blockThreadTimer = 0.5;
(lldb) exp [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:$blockThreadTimer];
Something was wrong, with my first attempt. What happened to the Airplanes? Well, it was a bug in the code. The line of code that block the main thread from returning from the Thread Chomper
code only waited for a single background thread. After adding:
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
Bypass steps
Breakpoints are better when set to a specific Thread. Type the following into your debugger:
breakpoint set after one of the dispatch_async calls
breakpoint set --file thread_chomper.m --line 34 thread 5
(lldb) expression
NSTimeInterval $blockThreadTimer = 2;
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:$blockThreadTimer];
// ENTER to finish expression
Attempt 2 - A trick on Release apps
I was not satisfied with attempt 1. It was only available on debug builds, where you could set simple breakpoints
. Attempt 2 looked to abuse Apple's Grand Central Dispatch
Quality of Service level that was set when coding " I want a background thread, please ".
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
Challenge: Secure Enclave key generation
I generated an Elliptic Curve key pair, inside the Secure Enclave. The Key was set to allow both Encrypt
and Sign