
Java deserialization vulnerability in SerializationSessionDataTranscoder.decode()

idealzh opened this issue · 2 comments

To get a SessionData object from cookie,pippo base64 decode the PIPPO_SESSION,and then deserialize the decoded data(the decoded data is a serialized SessionData object);
However,ObjectInputStream.readObject() leads to a Java deserialization vulnerability.
The Apache Shiro framework used to have a similar issue(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHIRO-550).
There exists a gadget chain in jre8u20,we can generate the attack payload based on it;Here is a blog(https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/87270) about the generating procedure,I am sorry it's writed in Chinese,or get the payload by tool(https://github.com/360-A-Team/SerialWriter) ;So,if the version lowwer than jre8u20,it may leads to a remote code execution;
For details,please refer to the picture below:
The payload I used is as follows:
And some third party modules also have a gadget chain;
To fix the issue,we can implement a class FilteringObjectInputStream,and replace ObjectInputStream with it,The implementation of FilterObjectInputStream is as follows:

public class FilteringObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream {
   public FilteringObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
   protected Class<?> resolveClass(java.io.ObjectStreamClass descriptor) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
      String className = descriptor.getName();
      ClassFilter classFilter=new ClassFilter();
      if(className != null && className.length() > 0 && !classFilter.isWhiteListed(className)) {
         throw new InvalidClassException("Unauthorized deserialization attempt", descriptor.getName());
      } else {
         return super.resolveClass(descriptor);
public class ClassFilter {
       private ArrayList<String> WhiteList= null;      
       public ClassFilter() {
    	       WhiteList=new ArrayList<String>();
       public  boolean isWhiteListed(String className) {
    	   if(className==null) return false;
    	   for(String name:WhiteList) {
    		   if(name.equals(className)) return true;
		   return false;

It's just a demo.

Closed by commit a82347d.