
How to turn on caching headers

Opened this issue · 2 comments

fils commented

I see in #6 we now have caching headers.

This is fantastic, but can you tell me how I invoke this. I am not sure where to start to turn this option on.

Am I correct that this would remove the act of pulling the context from the net every time a process is called?

fils commented

@Koshroy @kazarena

I just wanted to follow up on this.. I am trying to dig through the commit and see how to set the expireTime and/or neverExpires params. I'm not quite sure how to connect to that though.


	proc := ld.NewJsonLdProcessor()
	options := ld.NewJsonLdOptions("")
	options.Format = "application/nquads"

Is there a struct or var I can call to set to turn on caching? I'm hitting the schema.org context 10's of thousands of time and I'd like to stop. :)


fils commented

just to maintain the thread I have gotten to this point and it looks to be working but it's possibly not the best example. Please excuse the mapping, we had some providers not using correct prefix/context strings.

func JLDProc() (*ld.JsonLdProcessor, *ld.JsonLdOptions) {
	proc := ld.NewJsonLdProcessor()
	options := ld.NewJsonLdOptions("")

	client := &http.Client{}
	nl := ld.NewDefaultDocumentLoader(client)

	// testing caching
	cdl := ld.NewCachingDocumentLoader(nl)
	cdl.PreloadWithMapping(map[string]string{"https://schema.org/": "/home/fils/Project418/gleaner/docs/jsonldcontext.json",
		"http://schema.org/": "/home/fils/Project418/gleaner/docs/jsonldcontext.json",
		"https://schema.org": "/home/fils/Project418/gleaner/docs/jsonldcontext.json",
		"http://schema.org":  "/home/fils/Project418/gleaner/docs/jsonldcontext.json"})

	options.DocumentLoader = cdl
	options.Format = "application/nquads"

	return proc, options