
Recursive context inclusion error when context inclusion is not recursive

ngerakines opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm seeing some unexpected behavior and wanted to get clarity on how context is imported.

When processing a document that has context A, and context B, if context B includes context A, an error occurs. When manually reviewing the context in question, I don't believe that the context is actually recursive.

recursive context inclusion: https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams

Proof of concept code and example output is here: https://gist.github.com/ngerakines/1a01762032e838e53c462f9db6d47d03

@ngerakines thanks for reporting. We will review your example and revert back asap.

@ngerakines yes, it was a bug. This is now fixed and merged into master. It will be included in the next minor release.
