
snapshot-validation-webhook-test-valid-body is failing

rrey-aviatrix opened this issue · 5 comments

Installed snapshot-validation-webhook-1.4.3 (app version v6.0.1) which is properly deployed:

NAME                       	NAMESPACE           	REVISION	UPDATED                              	STATUS  	CHART                            	APP VERSION
snapshot-validation-webhook	external-snapshotter	1       	2022-06-07 17:54:25.994741 +0200 CEST	deployed	snapshot-validation-webhook-1.4.3	v6.0.1

when running helm test snapshot-validation-webhook the operation fails:

Error: pod snapshot-validation-webhook-test-valid-body failed

I made a test where I replaced all occurrences of v1beta1 with v1 in the query and the test succeeded but I honestly don't know if that makes sense :/

I think the issue is that v1beta1 versions were removed from CRDs for the 6.0.1 release. They added them back in the meantime. But we should just update to v1.

Hmm, replacing v1beta1 with v1 in the tests directory did not work for me :/

I only tested through curl and did not test end to end with helm test again :/

Fixed it now. Seems like the test is just no longer relevant, as the webhook no longer checks for the condition that should have caused a failure. I believe this is because the new CRD version already ensures this. So I switched to a different check.