
Unhandled exception has occured in your application/How to change title key?

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Screenshot (169)
Any solution? Tried deleting the \WiiVCIjnector\ but didn't help. I also thought about trying to change the title key since Mario Kart Wii needs Super Mario Galaxy's 2 but I have no idea how to.

Also as far as I know, all games work with Rhythm Heaven Fever. That's the reason it was hardcoded into the software

Just ran into this exact problem myself - For me, I was trying to convert Ghost Squad. I managed to get it working on the second attempt by Disabling the "Don't Trim Game Output" option under the Advanced Tab of the program.

I have no clue why not doing that would cause the code to crash like that, but I figured it's at least something...

EDIT: corrected my previous statement after some experimentation on my end