es-master fails: Liveness probe failed: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
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I'm having a problem launching the es-master deployment.
It keeps restarting and if I check the pod description the failure appears to be:
Liveness probe failed: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
After checking all the issues, open and closed (plus the documentation), I've made the following tests
giving minikube more memory
- name: "NETWORK_HOST"
value: "eth0:ipv4"
- add
- name: "NETWORK_HOST"
value: "eth0"
None of them seems to work and the log does not help me too much.
Additional info about the environment: minikube cluster running on RHEL7
I had the same problem. It seems like on a rather slow cluster the liveness probe strikes too fast.
Adding an initialDelaySeconds
setting under the liveness probe in es-master.yaml
and es-client.yaml
helped me:
port: transport
initialDelaySeconds: 30
Interesting, I had the same problem (trying this on GKE with a 3 n1-standard-2 cluster)
Using a 30 second initialDelay seconds caused 2 of 3 masters to work, and the third would constantly restart and inevitably enter a CrashLoopRestart cycle. (I also set NETWORK_HOST
Setting it to 60 second delay seemed to solve the problem. I think there's some sort of master discovery algorithm that needs a bit of time to boostrap.