
Parcelable implementation on jobs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Fantastic library you've put together, it's much appreciated.

I wanted to write an app based on it, and I looked to the app you have distributed on Github. It appears the service holds a reference to the main activity to execute the jobs in the blocking queue.

I'd rather not do this, as I will have multiple activities / fragments whose UI may need updating. It therefore makes sense to register a Broadcast Receiver in each activity that will need to update the UI when a new job is pushed to it.

To do so, Jobs will need to implement Parcelable so they can be bundled into an intent. I plan to do this sometime tomorrow, and submit a pull request.

What do you think?

Again, thanks for the stellar library.

pires commented

This library is pure Java, so Android stuff will not be included. Why not provide such implementation with android-obd-reader? Welcome a PR!

Sounds good, will do that then. Thanks again for the stellar library!

pires commented

@tunjid thank you for your kind words.