Configure lando and Travis CI for nice local dev + sanity checks before integrating code to production.
- 8thHalfHour
- algorgeousGeorgia Tech Research Institute
- betzBrussels, Belgium
- brandonratz@confcats
- brittany-mccullough
- brussellDurham, NC
- charles-amyxAnn Arbor, MI
- danielnitscheladoo
- ekmoreauConnecticut
- escapeVenice area (Italy)
- ivan-berezhnovDOOR3 | Drupal Ukraine
- jasonruyleTrade in Cool
- Jean-Christ1Atos
- johnnybgoode@thirdandgrove
- johnnypeaWebikon
- jordan8037310Facet Interactive LLC
- kellybellGotham City Drupal
- krigsstev
- legovaer@weareoneworld
- lucasgreccoSão Paulo
- mrdavidburnsLullabot
- nathang21Orlando, FL
- oksana-c@blenderbox
- persianturtleWayfair
- pghk
- QuevinSeattle, WA
- seanrWebolutionary
- sformisanoMilan, Italy
- stereoplegic🧪Science🖌️Art🪄Magic
- swarad07@axelerant
- XjSvWeill Cornell Medicine
- yumyoDMI LLC