
ERROR invalid input syntax for type numeric: "Infinity"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

when opening the calendar view page, pop out a toaster write ERROR invalid input syntax for type numeric: "Infinity"
ACL log report 2022-03-29T07:07:15.978Z [4567/13267] - �[31merror�[39m: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "Infinity" {"name":"error","length":105,"severity":"ERROR","code":"22P02","file":"numeric.c","line":"4610","routine":"set_var_from_str"}

plugin version: 1.0.0-alpha.50
Nodebb version: 1.12.2

pitaj commented

You're on a very old version of NodeBB and this plugin. Please try upgradimg NodeBB and using the latest version of the plugin.

Change Nodebb version to v2.0.0, plugin version to 1.2.0 node version v16.15.0, error still exist, suspect error is due to database I used for my Nodebb is PostgreSQL v13.3-1, change to MongoDB error no exist anymore

I also saw this error and was able to eliminate it by upgrading my old version of PostgreSQL to v15.

This Stack Overflow thread appears to give more credence, with this comment:

PostgreSQL will support numeric +inf/-inf from v14 🎉