
mech-and-cow not properly formatted

echenran opened this issue · 2 comments

The mech-and-cow.cow file is not properly formatted and generates errors when used as cowsay -f mech-and-cow something

:~ piuccio$ cowsay -f mech-and-cow "I can't replicate"
< I can't replicate >
                                   |     |
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timw commented

For posterity...

This is a problem with the original cowsay - if you're using the Perl based cowsay (e.g from Homebrew on Mac) it will fail on mech-and-cow (the file in the JS port here is identical to that in the original cowsay distro).

The root cause is that this cow was never finished - it's missing the script bits to define the cow and escape all the ASCII art (e.g. $the_cow = <<EOC etc.) as well as the $tongue/$eye/$thought inserts. In the original cowsay distro, this isn't even a .cow file - I wonder if Tony got sick of telebears and graduated prior to getting round to it...

For the obsessives among us, here's a working mech-and-cow (rename to mech-and-cow.cow in your cows directory).