
upgrade-all-service-instances errand has references to CF

Closed this issue · 2 comments


This is a:

  • Feature request
  • Bug report
  • Other issue

The upgrade-all-service-instances errand references CF despite the errand being run on a PKS deployment

[upgrade-all-service-instances] 2018/08/30 10:16:58.742228 Upgrade progress summary: Sleep interval until next attempt: 1m0s; Number of successful upgrades so far: 0; Number of CF service instance orphans detected so far: 1; Number of deleted instances before upgrade could occur: 0; Number of operations in progress (to retry) so far: 0

Found here: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/on-demand-service-broker/blob/c1b919a4f6941c128af495b6d64a74e2b3fa2631/upgrader/logging_listener.go#L97

Steps to reproduce (if bug report)

Run upgrade-all-service-instances errand on a PKS deployment and check log output

How urgent is this?

  • Our product or team is blocked until this is resolved
  • We have a workaround, but would prefer to stop using it
  • This is a nice to have, but there is no immediate need for it

Paired with @MirahImage

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.