React: Remove deprecated propTypes usage to support React 15.5
kevynb opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm getting the following warning when using the <OverlayTrigger>
lowPriorityWarning.js?d93c:40 Warning: Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated, and will be removed in React v16.0. Use the latest available v15.* prop-types package from npm instead. For info on usage, compatibility, migration and more, see
It seems to be because this component uses the react-tether
library in version 0.5.2
that still uses react.Proptypes
. This behaviour was fixed in version 0.5.7.
Do you think an upgrade is possible?
@kevynb In which version of pivotal-ui are you seeing this issue?
I'm using npm package "pui-react-tooltip": "^8.3.3" which seems to be the latest version available on npm.
@kevynb I see! Since version 9 we stopped publishing the individual components in a stand-alone manner, and are publishing them all under Pivotal-UI to get individual components now a simple import of the specific component is necessary. it also makes it easier for package.json
import {OverlayTrigger} from 'pivotal-ui/react/overlay-trigger';
Would you be able to upgrade to v9 at the very least? Or v10 would be the latest?
I upgraded to version 9, since it seems I cannot use version 10 until we migrate to React 16.
It's indeed much easier to have them all in one package.
Thanks problem fixed!