
Different basic sku and standard sku load balancer or public Ip resources in availability set is not allowed

scottbri opened this issue · 2 comments

The ops manager public ip address is created as a "basic" ip address on azure. Installation of the PKS Tile fails since the ip address of the pks load balancer is created as "standard" ...

Task 29 | 01:18:05 | Creating missing vms: pivotal-container-service/413f6fdc-defa-4fae-bf35-6620fc7f9924 (0) (00:00:17)
L Error: CPI error 'Bosh::Clouds::VMCreationFailed' with message '#<Bosh::AzureCloud::AzureError: http_put - http code: 400
x-ms-client-request-id: b261b314-9d4d-4b91-b9d0-61974cf15884
x-ms-request-id: d5603257-be95-44e0-a6f4-af46897646ec
x-ms-correlation-request-id: 5f97f3ac-a26f-4397-837f-877165f0daa3
x-ms-routing-request-id: EASTUS:20190119T011811Z:5f97f3ac-a26f-4397-837f-877165f0daa3
Error message: {
"error": {
"code": "DifferentSkuLoadBalancersAndPublicIPAddressNotAllowed",
"message": "Different basic sku and standard sku load balancer or public Ip resources in availability set is not allowed /subscriptions/81f66585-1c7d-4bf6-84a0-3556a6f61716/resourceGroups/zeta/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/zeta-pks-lb and /subscriptions/81f66585-1c7d-4bf6-84a0-3556a6f61716/resourceGroups/zeta/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/22fb57c5-6291-4b3b-8628-a06ad920fb4f.",
"details": []

I am facing same issue! please check my comment on PR