
`ops_manager_vm` false still requires/uploads an image and creates a NIC

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For terraforming-pas, even though the ops_manager_vm option is not documented as it is in terraforming-aws, it does appear you can set it to false to skip provisioning of the Ops Manager VM, Issue #40 references fixing the docs to note this

However, I have noticed that even with it set to false it will still:

  • Create a bucket for the vhd
  • Upload the vhd to the bucket
  • Create a NIC for the Ops Manager VM
  • Attach the NIC to the public IP address

This is a bit problematic because if you plan to use platform-automation:

  • Waste of time/resources creating a separate storage account and uploading it when it is never used
  • NIC being attached to the public IP means assigning it to the "real" Ops Manager later fails unless you go in and manually detach/delete

Would like to see things modified such that ops_manager_vm being false means no vhd image is required or uploaded and no NIC is created or attached to the public IP.


@eamonryan Is the expected outcome now reachable by leaving ops_manager_image_uri empty, in v0.51.0?