
Would PKS subnet using internal LBs result in IP collisions?

aegershman opened this issue · 0 comments

When a kubernetes svc uses an internal LB, you specify a subnet from where it's IP will be used. If you were to deploy it in the pks-services subnet, it'd take the next available IP from the subnet... But BOSH doesn't know about this. So when BOSH goes to deploy another VM, it'd try to use the IP that's become occupied by the internal LB. I will need to test and validate this.

But if so, it'd probably be better to have a dedicated "azure-services" subnet which would be reserved only for internal LB deployments. Or static-defined IPs from within a range of IPs that are reserved: [] in the BOSH network.

Thoughts & opinions welcome; putting it out here in case someone else comes across the same problem.