
GCP Director gets stuck on post-start scripts

kwiese opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to start a bosh director on gcp using the sample manifest provided, and when I run the "bosh create-env" command it completes all the way up to the "post-start scripts" where it times on connecting to the credhub server during the credhub job with the error:

Sending 'get_task' to the agent:
      Agent responded with error: Action Failed get_task: Task 4c2527c0-293b-4b8f-5f77-29f46cd50848 result: 1 of 2 post-start scripts failed. Failed Jobs: credhub. Successful Jobs: uaa. 

I also tried deploying the AWS director manifest, which worked fine, but I need this to work through GCP. Are there any certain settings that need to be set for GCP in order for the post-start script to work?

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:


The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Hello -

Have you checked the deployment logs? An easy way to do that is by running grep -A 10 ERROR /var/vcap/sys/log/credhub/credhub.log on the machine. The errors are often helpful, but there is a deployment troubleshooting guide here that may also be able to help.

Figured it out, was an issue with an old certificate value. Thanks!!