Referencing certs in deployment manifests.
ablease opened this issue · 1 comments
ablease commented
Hello. Were using v0.3.0 if the cli and credhub version 0+dev.1478581416
The credhub-bosh integration has been working great for storing passwords in credhub, and referencing them in deployment manifests using the double bracket syntax.
We are having some problems storing certificates though. Currently we are trying to set a cert in credhub via the cli and reference it in the manifest
set the credential:
$ credhub set -n bosh-director/our-deployment/metron-cert -t certificate -c /path/to/our/metron-cert.crt
Reference it in the manifest:
- name: metron_agent
release: loggregator
deployment: *name
- tls
client_cert: ((metron-cert))
When we deploy the value doesn't seem to have been interpolated properly. Instead some json appears in the cert field rather than just the cert.
Current effect:
root@bosh-deployed-vm:~$ cat /var/vcap/jobs/metron_agent/config/certs/metron_agent.crt
{"ca"=>nil, "certificate"=>"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<this isn't what we want>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", "private_key"=>nil}
Desired effect:
root@bosh-deployed-vm:~$ cat /var/vcap/jobs/metron_agent/config/certs/metron_agent.crt
<all our good cert stuff>
ablease commented
Ah-ha. I'm not referencing the credential in my manifest correctly. Closing this.