
Detect the username of the user’s OS

Opened this issue · 5 comments

@CleanMachine1 we can talk here now.

What files need to be done?
The python code could be done pretty easy


I published that and that entire repo for others to learn from.

Give me a list of files to change, what happens if this is run as root?

We’ll store.py is the main code. You’ll

What files need to be done?
The python code could be done pretty easy


I published that and that entire repo for others to learn from.

Give me a list of files to change, what happens if this is run as root?

Go ahead and install Pi-Ware. The main file is store.py. The app is found in Menu > Accessories. In store.py you’ll see /home/pi referenced in there a few times. We need to find out the user’s username because not everyone has the username of pi.

I actually already discovered the get pass trick a week or two ago. I’m just not sure how to incorporate it.

Also, when you install Pi-Ware the icon won’t appear on the desktop until the next boot, so just reboot.

Hey, I got it. Pi-Ware now detects the username of the OS that is being used.