Support simple "profiles"
frankhaugen opened this issue · 0 comments
frankhaugen commented
We are using this application a lot at my job, and we have 35+ services/resources per environment, replicated into 4 environments. We have a structure when we forward where we have services every 5 "years" from 1900 and upwards.
Simple profiles
It would be useful to be able to setup some kind of "profile" to start selected services cross-cluster
Suggested specs:
- In the menu-bar, have an option called Profiles with these elements in the dropdown:
- Add
- Remove
- Edit
- Horizontal seperator line
- (List of scripts sorted by "last used" with a vertical scroll if the count of profiles exeed the window height)
- Clicking on "Add" displays checkboxes to the left of each resource, and a header with a field for a name and a Save button with the text "Add"
- Remove displays a page with a list of profiles with a garbage bin next to them that is clickable and then displays a dialogue to confirm deletion, when a delete is successful the user stays on the page, (multi-select might be useful, but I doubt it)
- Edit displays the same elements as the "Add" button, but the checkboxes and name-textbox is prefilled, and the "Save button" is called "Save Changes" or similar
- When clicking on a profile it starts the forwards
- The add and edit must have a validation on port numbers and profile-names to prevent duplicates
- If a profile is started and a forward fails, there should be a dialogue showing a relavant error message, (it should collect errors from all the forwards and not just one, and should the message for each reasource) asking if the user wants to stop the others or continue without the forwards that failed
(this is one of multiple feature-requests I'm posting; sorry for the spam, but lumping them all together is not a good way to make User Stories)