
Feature Request: Touchbar icon

jonliu03 opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there any way you could make it where the icon in the touchbar changes (not the color) like in the menu-bar? It's a little distracting when its on mute with a glowing red button. Great project though regardless.

I'd like to see Use alternate menu bar icons changed to Use alternate icons, with this selected the touch bar will use a slash through the microphone to indicate it's muted rather than a red background - just as the menu bar does.

How about a customizable background color on the icon in the touchbar for both "hot mic" and "muted" states?

That way, for instance, "mute" could be a grey color, and "hot" could have a red color, to give a feeling of the old "on air" light?

Even customizable images in the Touch Bar would be great, if Apple allows that to be easily done. I can imagine red background with "ON AIR" when my mic is hot, and the whole thing dimming out when it's muted.

We are happy to announce that we released the new version of the app which currently we distribute as a separate application https://mutify.app/

You can try it for free with 7-days trial and get 50% discount with promo code: MUTEME

However, the existing opensource version will stay forever free.

@lnikell I'm happy to pay for Mutify as long as there is still a public issue tracker, is this the case?

@strafe we created a new repo for gathering public feedback, issues and feature requests https://github.com/pixel-point/mutify
Thank you for the idea. We will publish the link on the website to it as well soon.

@lnikell thanks! Enjoying the app for the most part so far, I submitted a cask too.

ImBIOS commented

@jonliu03 I voluntarily maintain this repository here: https://github.com/ImBIOS/mute-me