
Feature Request: Desktop Notification Support

shaugupt opened this issue · 2 comments


Mac Notification when Mic is Muted or Un-Muted will be a good feature to add.

Example Code: (to give an idea)
set inputVolume to input volume of (get volume settings)
if inputVolume = 0 then
set displayNotification to "Microphone is Muted"
set displayNotification to "Microphone is Un-Muted"
end if
display notification displayNotification

@shaugupt We are happy to announce new version of the app which currently we distribute as a separate application https://mutify.app/. Also in that version we have notification at the bottom right corner about status changed mic status.

You can try it for free with 7-days trial and get 50% discount with promo code: MUTEME

However, the existing opensource version will stay forever free.

@shaugupt I voluntarily maintain this repository here: https://github.com/ImBIOS/mute-me