
Perfect solution! How can people make optional donations?

bbasden opened this issue · 3 comments

I can't find any other way to "post" this request other than creating an Issue in github (already checked web page, no feedback or contact option there).
This app is the exact solution I was looking for to use with my MacBook Pro. It's great that you made it available for free, but I'd love to donate a small amount ($5 USD?) to show my appreciation, and I imagine those who are able would like to do the same. Can you either put this in the Mac App Store or set up some way that people can donate a little something if they find it useful?

Hello @bbasden, thank you so much for your words. We plan the release of the completely new version next week. Because the app required more investments, we decided to change the monetization model to paid and rebuilt app from scratch with few new features and interface.

However, the existing open source version will stay forever free.
Reach out to me via email please and I would be able to give you early access to the app alex@pixelpoint.io

We are happy to announce new version of the app which currently we distribute as a separate application https://mutify.app/

You can try it for free with 7-days trial and get 50% discount with promo code: MUTEME

However, the existing opensource version will stay forever free.

@bbasden I voluntarily maintain this repository here: https://github.com/ImBIOS/mute-me