
config.h missing / build impossible

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Building with systems like Autotools is either impossible or exceedingly frustrating for me. I prefer to use a makefile directly or compile manually.

When I try to compile, it tells me that config.h is missing. I take it that it's generated by the build system. I tried using the build system (autoconf configure.in) and it failed because config.h.in is missing.

What gives? Is there a template for this file? At this point, I just want to copy a template, adjust it manually, and compile the whole thing myself. Autotools is just getting in the way. If I can't compile something manually, then there is a serious problem with the design of the project. You shouldn't rely on a build system. That's supposed to be there to help automate things; not to be your crutch. And Autotools, in particular, is impossible to work with, and for something that is supposed to make projects portable, it sure as hell doesn't want to build on Linux, the most ubiquitous *NIX system in the world.

Take a page from Suckless and include a pre-written config.def.h by default.

To build:

autoheader && autoconf && ./configure && make

By the way, most linuxes have a pre-built hexedit package (debian, ubuntu, fedora...)


autoreconf -fi && ./configure && make

You can also use the now bundled autogen.sh