
Division by zero error during 4.4.0 database update, causes PHP server process to crash

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I thought I’d try out the 4.4.0 release before our web server auto-upgraded to it tonight, and it brought PHP-FPM down with a division by zero error.

PHP Warning: Division by zero in /var/www/…/wp-content/plugins/helpful/core/helpers/class-stats.php on line 1298

I think this is happening during the process of Helpful updating its database after the plugin upgrade.

Just looking at that part of the code…

	public static function get_single_post_stats( $post_id )
		$post       = get_post( $post_id );
		$pro        = self::get_pro( $post->ID ) ? self::get_pro( $post->ID ) : 0;
		$contra     = self::get_contra( $post->ID ) ? self::get_contra( $post->ID ) : 0;
		$prop       = self::get_pro( $post->ID, true );
		$conp       = self::get_contra( $post->ID, true );
		$average    = (int) ( $pro - $contra );
		$total      = (int) ( $pro + $contra );
		$percentage = ( $pro / $total ) * 100;
		$percentage = round( $percentage, 2 );

Is it possible that get_single_post_stats() is being run on a post with no votes, meaning $pro and $contra are both 0, and $percentage is therefore ( 0 / 0 ) * 100?

Should be fixed with 4.4.1. Thank you!
