
newDataWithError is nil

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Open ZipArchive is OK, but when I create data from ZZEntry, I just get nil, Please help.
PS: The zip file created by ZipZap is OK, however, the other zip files created by other software will be error.
Code like this:

    bool UnzipFileAtPath(char* srcFile, char* destPath)
        NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
        NSString* zipFilePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:srcFile];
        NSString* destDirPath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:destPath];
        if(![destDirPath hasSuffix:@"/"])
            destDirPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/", destDirPath];
        NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Begin Unzip File:%@", zipFilePath);
        NSError * error;
        NSData* rawZipData = [fileManager contentsAtPath:zipFilePath];
        NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Raw Zip Data Length: %li", rawZipData.length);
        ZZArchive* zipArchive = [ZZArchive archiveWithData:rawZipData error:&error];
        if (error)
            NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Error happened while open zip file: %@ Error: %@", zipFilePath, [error localizedDescription]);
            return NO;
            NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Zip Entries: %lui", zipArchive.entries.count);
        for (ZZArchiveEntry* entry in zipArchive.entries)
            NSString* entryFilePath = [destDirPath stringByAppendingString:entry.fileName];
            if(entry.fileMode & S_IFDIR)
                [fileManager createDirectoryAtPath:entryFilePath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
                NSError* createDataError;
                NSData* newData = [entry newDataWithError:&createDataError];
                if(createDataError || newData == nil || newData.length == 0)
                    NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Create Data from ZZEntry Error: %lui", createDataError.code);
                    return NO;
                    NSUInteger length = [newData length];
                    NSLog(@"[ZipZap] File: %@, Length: %lu", entry.fileName, length);
                NSError* writeDataError;
                BOOL ret = [fileManager createFileAtPath:entryFilePath contents:newData attributes:nil];
                    NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Write Data Error: %@, Error: %li", entry.fileName, [writeDataError code]);
        NSLog(@"[ZipZap] Unzip File OK!");
        return YES;