
Add more user-friendly installation instructions!

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey, some users may be confused by what you mean by just simply "run with mono" to run the software as I personally have never encountered a project that uses it.
Something like this may make it easier for people to use:

  1. Install mono-runtime or whatever the package name is on your distribution
  2. Download the latest release
  3. cd into the directory with the executable and run "sudo mono GK6X.exe"

Either this or an install script for Ubuntu or other popular distributions.

Yea, some improvements could be made there.

The README links to #4 which gives a pretty good overview of how to compile / run on Linux/Mac. Mono distribution wise it's varied as can be seen on the official site https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/#download-lin

I'll most likely be making Linux/Mac bundles which includes an embedded .NET Core (or Mono depending which results in a small download size) as mentioned in #85. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to finish that yet...

I don't have any plans to write an install script, but a PR which achieves this would be welcomed.

I've gone ahead and cleaned up comments which weren't super relevant to this, or the project in general as previously mentioned.

In 96e9c04 I added more verbose instructions on how to get mono working (linking to the mono downloads page, as well as mentioning the mono-complete package which should be on most distros). I've also included more info on general program usage.

Perhaps still not super use-friendly instructions, and now a little bit wordy. But hopefully it's a little more clear than it was.

Going to close this. Feel free to reopen if you think more could be done.