
Purchased sk61 trouble downloading software

Closed this issue · 2 comments

im struggling to open the software to change the rgb and reconfigure the bindings on my mac, i followed the online manual and it says the file does not exist when in the terminal. Thanks
Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 19 32 52
mac terminal:

Ibrars-MBP:~ cd Desktop
Ibrars-MBP:Desktop cd GK6X-v1.13-GUI/
Ibrars-MBP:GK6X-v1.13-GUI mono GK6X-v.1.13-GUI
Cannot open assembly 'GK6X-v.1.13-GUI': No such file or directory.
Ibrars-MBP:GK6X-v1.13-GUI mono GK6X.exe
Connected to device 'SK61S-RGB' model:656801822 fw:v1.14
Started web GUI server at http://localhost:6464
The file /Users/ibrariq/Desktop/GK6X-v1.13-GUI/open http:/localhost:6464 does not exist.

thats what it says ^^^^^

That comes from

Process.Start("open " + url);

Essentially it's failing to launch the web browser. But you should be able to manually navigate to http:/localhost:6464.

There's an official Mac program available which might be better suited to your needs http://www.jikedingzhi.com/downloadlist?driverID=90 I need to add the link to the README but I haven't got around to it yet.

I'll look at improving the open invocation at some point. But otherwise should be behaving correctly so I'll close this.