
The application won't work

RashFaustinho opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, just as the title says, the app refuses to work no matter what.

I have the right .net framework versions and i'm using the exe that you can download in ModDb
(at the moment i'm unable to compile an exe due to visual studio being an heavy-space program, and I have a limited 4G connection)

The app just crashes all the time. What should I do?

It's tricky to diagnose crashes, in this thread someone had a similar crashing issue and after reinstalling the game it seemed work for them. Are you using a pirated copy of the game? The code is very much dependent on working with the original unmodified version from steam.

You could tell me the exact OS version you are on (as well as the locale your machine is set to) so that I could try and reproduce the crash. You could also try running the program as admin as it requires injecting into the LOTD process (which requires admin privileges). Beyond that I'm not sure what to recommend without additional information.