dust test with examples broken?
sherzberg opened this issue · 3 comments
sherzberg commented
I just compiled the pixie-vm
and put dust
on my path from a fresh checkout of this repo and am having trouble getting the example/tests
projects working. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
$ dust test
[/Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/pixie /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/pixie/lib /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/pixie/include /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/pixie/../lib /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/pixie/../include . /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/dust/src ./src]
Looking for tests...
Loading /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/dust/examples/tests/test/test-core.pxi
Running: 1 tests
Running: test-core/test-greet
while running test-greet (do (t/assert= (greet Jane) Hello, Jane!))
in pixie function test-greet_fn
in /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/dust/examples/tests/test/test-core.pxi at 6:15
(t/assert= (greet "Jane") "Hello, Jane!"))
RuntimeException: :pixie.stdlib/AssertionException Var greet is undefined
{:fail 1, :errors [in pixie function test-greet_fn
in /Users/spencerherzberg/workspace/dust/examples/tests/test/test-core.pxi at 6:15
(t/assert= (greet "Jane") "Hello, Jane!"))
RuntimeException: :pixie.stdlib/AssertionException Var greet is undefined
], :pass 0}
However this works just fine:
$ dust
user => (use 'core)
user => (greet "Spencer")
"Hello, Spencer!"
heyLu commented
You're doing nothing wrong. This is definitely a bug.
The same thing happens when you run the following in the repl:
user => (ns xyz (use 'core))
xyz => greet
in pixie function repl_fn
in pixie/repl.pxi at 24:24
(let [x (eval form)]
in internal function eval
in <unknown> at 2:1
RuntimeException: :pixie.stdlib/AssertionException Var greet is undefined
It does not happen when you move the use
call outside of the ns
heyLu commented
(And I pushed before posting that comment.)
The problem was that this syntax (use
inside ns
) isn't supported anymore.
sherzberg commented
Ah, that makes sense! Thank you for a quick response!