- 1
Not exporting the .js file
#57 opened by naveencl - 2
Handle progress event during loading
#142 opened by CrazyFlasher - 1
- 4
Syntax Error while publishing
#138 opened by amitmpixentech - 2
upgrade for pixi 7
#134 opened by brunocapdevila - 1
Jagged edges with graphics comming from adobe animate
#123 opened by IJsLauw - 1
stage = null
#126 opened by martynov-oleg - 1
shapes.txt files can't be cache busted
#121 opened by IJsLauw - 2
AssetConversion.js - PIXI.Graphics instance is generated twice when applied as mask and results in build error
#110 opened by kulabros - 2
- 6
- 2
Version questions re #99 (Pixi v5 support?)
#106 opened by jcward - 1
Requires PIXI error
#93 opened by bdanis - 0
- 19
PIXI v5 support
#95 opened by serglider - 0
adobe animate will be stuck when publish,if export as Sprites Sheets is checked
#101 opened by koolou - 2
- 2
vuejs empty canvas
#100 opened by charterchap - 3
Adobe Animate 2020 API changes
#97 opened by bigtimebuddy - 0
Should I do Cleanup on ShapesCache?
#91 opened by StephenCritoph - 2
npm version is not updated
#58 opened by serglider - 2
Action in frame0 only execute once
#67 opened by k8w - 1
Sample Project
#78 opened by ajaysinghthakur - 1
Cannot add child stage pixijs and pixi animate
#79 opened by sahdev0 - 3
can i use pixi-animate in pixijs ?
#85 opened by windreamlion - 0
please delete
#88 opened by stevenalanstark - 1
- 0
- 6
having issues setting framerate
#54 opened by stevenalanstark - 0
Support crossOrigin in the loader
#55 opened by stevenalanstark - 3
Late action execution
#56 opened by Ch1pStar - 2
Creating Dynamic Tweens with Easing
#61 opened by kburke3 - 1
- 1
- 3
- 2
Dispatching Events from MovieClips
#60 opened by kburke3 - 4
Changing Shapes' Fill colors dynamically
#64 opened by kburke3 - 0
Resizing a Scene & Its Elements: Best methods?
#65 opened by kburke3 - 3
Any method to get child ?
#66 opened by k8w - 0
- 3
- 2
unable to install npm module by git url
#76 opened by stevenalanstark - 0
Filters for Animate
#43 opened by bigtimebuddy - 7
Minify to single file
#44 opened by nthapaliya - 3
MovieClip timescale
#47 opened by Ch1pStar - 2
SymbolLoader - additional condition
#48 opened by vlasenkoigor - 2
Stopping a MovieClip
#49 opened by Patrick-Hammond - 1
- 4
- 2
Retina strategy
#52 opened by stevenalanstark