
Cannot get pixi-heven to work with pixi-spine and webpack

sntx opened this issue · 6 comments

sntx commented

Hi everyone!

I'm having a really hard time getting pixi-heaven to work with my app. I followed instructions for pixi-spine and added the following to my webpack config:

    plugins: [
      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        PIXI: 'pixi.js',

And these are my imports on the file which uses pixi-heaven and pixi-spine:

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'
window.PIXI = PIXI
import 'pixi-spine'
import 'pixi-heaven'

When I do the following:

const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE)
sprite.scale = { x: 15, y: 15 }

I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
    at BatchPlugin.packInterleavedGeometry (pixi-heaven.js:916)
    at BatchPlugin../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.AbstractBatchRenderer.buildDrawCalls (core.es.js:10524)
    at BatchPlugin../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.AbstractBatchRenderer.buildTexturesAndDrawCalls (core.es.js:10486)
    at BatchPlugin../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.AbstractBatchRenderer.flush (core.es.js:10600)
    at BatchPlugin../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.AbstractBatchRenderer.stop (core.es.js:10623)
    at BatchSystem../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.BatchSystem.setObjectRenderer (core.es.js:4814)
    at SpineSprite../node_modules/@pixi/sprite/lib/sprite.es.js.Sprite._render (sprite.es.js:347)
    at SpineSprite../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1534)
    at Container../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1537)
    at Spine../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1537)
    at Container../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1537)
    at Viewport../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1537)
    at Container../node_modules/@pixi/display/lib/display.es.js.Container.render (display.es.js:1537)
    at Renderer../node_modules/@pixi/core/lib/core.es.js.Renderer.render (core.es.js:9863)
    at Application../node_modules/@pixi/app/lib/app.es.js.Application.render (app.es.js:95)
    at TickerListener../node_modules/@pixi/ticker/lib/ticker.es.js.TickerListener.emit (ticker.es.js:129)
    at Ticker../node_modules/@pixi/ticker/lib/ticker.es.js.Ticker.update (ticker.es.js:584)
    at Ticker._tick (ticker.es.js:334)

If I try the following instead, sprite doesn't render the Sprite and I get no errors.

var sprite = new PIXI.heaven.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE)
sprite.scale = { x: 15, y: 15 }

To discard the option I'm doing something else incorrectly, I'm trying the same without pixi-heaven and it works fine.

I'm using the latest versions of all the mentioned modules. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Which version of pixi is it?

It works fine with latest dev, with 5.3.3, you can test different versions here: https://pixijs.io/examples/?v=dev#/plugin-heaven/invert.js

Oh wait, it made that:

const bunny = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.from('examples/assets/bunny.png'));

and it doesnt work. Somethign is broken in convertion method. I'll look at it now

sntx commented

@ivanpopelyshev Thanks a lot! let me know if I can help out with anything!

These are my versions of all my pixi dependencies:

"pixi-heaven": "^0.2.0",
"pixi-spine": "^2.1.9",
"pixi-viewport": "^4.13.2",
"pixi.js": "^5.3.3",


That's what i had to change.

  1. call _onTextureUpdate after conversion because _uvs are updated in it and not in calculateVertices in heaven sprite.
  2. Corner-case with texture that is updated after conversion,

0.2.1 at npm , or dist/pixi-heaven.js here, take it.

sntx commented

It's all working now! Thank you very much!

Thanks for the report!