
When will pixi v8 support be available?

westerovs opened this issue · 15 comments

When will pixi v8 support be available?

In progress?

Pixi 8 version will be available?

Yes, after graphics-smooth

Ivan, а как долго ещё ждать graphics-smooth?

Я сейчас разбираюсь с тем что в v8 натворили (а натворили хорошо), так что в течение месяца

Is there any update as to when the plugin should be available for Pixi 8?

I updated tilemap in march, now its time for graphics-smooth. Spine will be in may

Hey Ivan,

I am a bit confused right now and I would be glad if someone explain the following

I've been using this spine plugin for as long as I can remember, but I recently noticed that there is a second plugin within the PixiJS organization on GitHub, which is spine-v8.

Could someone explain the differences between these two plugins? 😅

That's pure spine-ts :

  1. no hackTexture
  2. no dark tint
  3. clipping works on CPU. here in pixi-spine its stencil.
  4. other stuff.

Basically , if it works for you - good. If you want to hack pixi textures in this thing and do other fun stuff that people did in pixi-spine - sorry, you are on your own.

any progress?

Nope, only on graphics-smooth but its not out yet

Hi, any update for v8 ?

hey! any update on this ?

hello, @ivanpopelyshev any update on this please?

@ivanpopelyshev Иван, вы ещё с нами?)