
Helping you out with your Audio Files

Primary LanguagePython

Help with Audio Files

Edit Metatags and automatically generate convert flac's to mp3


Convert 24bit Flac to 16bit Flac

Call the File 24bit_to_16bit.py with the Argument -d as the absolute Path to the Album you'd like to convert. This creates a Subfolder 16bit inside the album with the converted files inside it

Example: python3 24bit_to_16bit.py -d '/home/christian/Musik/Justin Bieber - Baby'


Parameter Description
-d The Absolute Path to your Album

Encode Flac to MP3

Encode an Album from Flac to MP3 in both 320 CBR and V0 VBR, plus create a spectral analysis of the original files

Example: python3 convert.py -d '/home/christian/Musik/Justin Bieber - Baby'

This creates 2 new Folders in /home/christian/Musik, called Just Bieber - Baby (320) and Justin Bieber - Baby (V0)

Upon the first time running this command, it will also create a directory named spectrals in /home/christian/Musik, and adds a new folder with the same name as the original album, with the spectral files within.


Parameter Description
-d The Absolute Path to your Album
--skip-spectrals Do not create Spectral Analysis

Edit id3 Tags

Edit the tags of all songs inside an Album

python3 id3_helper.py '/home/christian/Musik/Justin Bieber - Baby'

This will prompt you to Enter Artist, Album Name, and Release Year.

Important This currently only works with Flac Files


Name Description
-d The Absolute Path to your Album
--overwrite-existing Also overwrite existing Tags


  • audio-metadata
  • mutagen
  • lame


pip install audio-metadata mutagen sudo apt install -y lame