Full Stack Web Development Learning Path

Command Line Basics

Session on CLI.

Command Line Crash Course

Commonly Used Linux Commands

Version Control Systems

Session on Git and Github

Version Control with Git - Udacity Video Course

GitHub & Collaboration - Udacity Video Course

Learn enough Git to be dangerous

Resources and Practice - Practice the Learn Git branching section

Gamified Tutorial - Learn the most common practices in the modern day Git Workflow.


Start with Learn to Code HTML and CSS by Shay Howe

In particular read the following sections and complete the exercises.


  • Lesson 1: Building your first web page
  • Lesson 2: Getting to know HTML
  • Lesson 3: Getting to know CSS
  • Lesson 4: Opening the Box Model
  • Lesson 5: Positioning content

Advanced HTML & CSS

  • Lesson 3: Complex Selectors
  • Lesson 4: Responsive Web Design

Resources for Flex and Grid Layouts:

CSS Flex Video

CSS Grid Video

Resources for Web Development for any Topic:

Mozilla Web Docs


Responsive Website

Check out the following wireframes.

Use your knowledge of HTML and CSS. The display should work in all resolutions.

Use your knowledge of responsive media queries, CSS flex and CSS grid for handling multi column layouts.

Responsive Portfolio Website

Build your portfolio website using your knowledge of HTML and CSS.

CSS Reference

A Visual Reference to CSS

Themed Ecommerce Website

Pick a website or theme of your choice and build it without looking at the source code.

JavaScript and Ecosytem

JavaScript Basics

Introduction to JavaScript - Udacity

ECMAScript 6 Basics

Introduction to ES6 - Udacity

Recommended Projects:

ToDo List in JavaScript

Implement a todo list with ordering with persistence using localStorage

Memory Game in JavaScript

Create a Memory Game in JavaScript capturing the total number of moves and time taken to complete the game.

Chess Game in JavaScript (Advanced)

Build a 2 player chess game in JavaScript using principles of object oriented programming, game state and game loop.

Session: Recap on Functions, Scope and Callbacks.

Session on JavaScript Environment Setup - JS, Node, NPM. Introduction to JavaScript.

Developer Tools

Getting Started with Developer Tools

Data Project

Get the IPL Dataset

In this data assignment you will transform raw data from IPL into graphs that will convey some meaning / analysis. For each part of this assignment you will have 2 parts -

Download both csv files from https://www.kaggle.com/manasgarg/ipl

Part 1

Code a javascript program that will transform the raw csv data into a data structure in a format suitable for plotting with highcharts.

Generate the following plots ...

1. Plot the number of matches played per year of all the years in IPL.
2. Plot a stacked bar chart of matches won of all teams over all the years of IPL.
3. For the year 2016 plot the extra runs conceded per team.
4. For the year 2015 plot the top economical bowlers.
5. Discuss a "Story" you want to tell with the given data. As with part 1, prepare the data structure and plot with highcharts.

Part 2

Create a Node Web API with MongoDB as the backend. Solve the same above problems by getting data using MongoDB queries.

MongoDB and Express

Introduction to MongoDB

Session on databases

Session on JS Utility functions

Unit Testing in JavaScript

JavaScript Testing - Udacity

Session Unit testing

Session Code Retreat

Time and Space Complexity

Time Complexity Summary (30 minutes) on mycodeschool - 4 videos

Complexity for recursive programs (8 minutes) on mycodeschool

(Optional) Additionally you can refer to the Algorithms and Data Structures course by Ravindrababu Ravula on youtube (First 6 videos cover ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGjL7YXI31Q&list=PLEbnTDJUr_IeHYw_sfBOJ6gk5pie0yP-0

Create an account on Interviewbit and solve the practice problems in the Time Complexity section.

Measuring execution time in JavaScript


  1. Basics of REST APIs
  2. RESTful Design - Best practices to use
  3. Building good APIs - Using appropriate HTTP Response codes

Session on REST

Configuring Node and Mongo for REST

Using Mongo, Express and REST


Session on Mongoose.


Introduction to Jquery - Udacity

Session Recap Jquery

NavTree Project in Jquery

Repository name: navtree-(name) Example navtree-john

Build a hierarchical, navigable tree structure using jQuery. The tree structure should be at least 3 levels deep.

For example:

Depth 0

-- Depth 1

-- Depth 2

It should expand and minimize to reveal and hide nested nodes. Do not use an existing library to build the tree structure.

Please use the IPL dataset that you had previously used for the Visualisation assignment. An example hierarchy could be

Year > Team > Players

When the last entity is selected, show a stat relevant to that identity on the page. This can either be a visualisation or a table.

Object Oriented JavaScript

Introduction to Object Oriented JavaScript - Only complete scopes, closures, 'this' keyword and prototype chains.

Session: Object and Prototypes.

Web Architecture Overview

Session on Web Architecture Overview

React and Ecosytem

Build Tools

Webpack and Babel


Introduction to React - Techsith

Session Recap React

ToDo List

Implement a todo list with ordering which interacts with a backend web server in Node or Django with each update.

NavTree Project in React

Implement the navigation tree structure using the React library.


Introduction to Redux - Academind


Getting Started with Redux - Egghead

Introduction to Idiomatic Redux - Egghead

Session Recap Redux

Capstone Project

The final project of the bootcamp.


  1. User Personas - How to define a User Persona
  2. User Stories - Writing User Stories
  3. Wireframes - Website Wireframes
  4. API Contracts
  5. Trello Board for managing and prioritising user stories
  6. Gitlab Repository for managing the code
  7. Deployment link for the project
