Problem Statement

Given an input movie, can we suggest a suitable replacement for the lead actor male and lead actor female, if the movie were to be remade in the year specified by the user. Example questions answered by the model:

  1. Given the movie - ’Inception’, who would be the best actor to play the lead role, if the movie was to be made in 1950s?
  2. Given the movie - ’Titanic’, who would be the best actor to play Kate Winslet’s role, if the movie was to be made in 2016?
  3. Who would play Arnold Schwarzenegger’s role in Terminator if the movie was to be made in 1940s or if it was made today?


Quantative Results

Following are the results from the 3 models which we tested -

Distance Function Male Dataset Accuracy Female Dataset Accuracy
Cosine 44.62% 61.97%
Manhattan 41. 39% 49.47%
Euclidean 43.54% 51.04%

Testing Methodology

Quantative: For any given remake we ran our model for the actor who appeared in the original movie and let our model predict possible replacements for him. We let our model come up with multiple (5% of the dataset size) replacements for the original actor. If the set of replacement actors contained the actor who actually appeared in the remake we call that a ’hit’ for our model. We counted for what percentage of remakes our model was ’hit’. We did this test for both actors as well as actresses.

Qualitative results:

Lead Actor of Inception(2010) if it was remade in 1960
Marlon Brando
Paul Newman
Robert Duvall
James Garner
Richard Burton

Lead Actor of Its a Wonderful life(1946) if it was remade in 2016
Matt Damon
Adrien Brody
Matthew McConaughey
James Franco
Will Smith

Testing replacements for an older male actor
Remake Lord of the Rings (2001) in 2011
Top 5 replacements for Ian Mckellen

  • Bill Nighy
  • Liam Neeson
  • John Goodman
  • Bob Hoskins
  • Jeff Daniels

Testing for lead male actor - James Bond
Remake Die Another Day(2000) in 1980
Top 5 replacements for Pierce Brosnan -

  • Roger Moore
  • Sean Connery
  • Harrison Ford
  • Robert Redford
  • Clint Eastwood

Testing for lead female actor in 90s
Remake Mr. & Mrs Smith (2005) in 1990
Top 5 replacements for Angelina Jolie.

  • Nicole Kidman
  • Julia Roberts
  • Cate Blanchett
  • Jodie Foster
  • Sharon Stone

Testing for lead female actor today
Remake Mr. & Mrs Smith (2005) in 2016
Top 5 replacements for Angelina Jolie.

  • Keira Knightley
  • Natalie Portman
  • Jessica Chastan
  • Anne Hathaway
  • Kirsten Dunst

Testing lead female actor in 60s
Recast Kate Winslet in Titanic from 1998 to 1960

  • Maggie Smith
  • Glenda Jackson
  • Joanne Woodward
  • Grace Kelly
  • Judi Dench

Recast Older Actress
Replacing Meryl Streep in The Devil wears Prada (2006) to 2016

  • Jessica Lange
  • Sissy Spacek
  • Holly Hunter
  • Jodie Foster
  • Emma Thompson

Child Actor test
Remake Home Alone 1990 in 2001
Replace Macaulay Culkin

  • Taylor Lautner
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Dylan O Brien
  • Dev Patel
  • Logan Lerman

Testing Methodology

Qualitative: Intuitively how good the top 5 replacements for any actor are for any given movie.

(More details of how we arrived at these results in the proposal)

** Code available on Request. The git repo contains the initial proposal, progress and final report