Implement service generation rake
pjanuario opened this issue · 9 comments
rake zss:service sid (--airbrake)
It should add to root directory the files:
- bin/sid - binary file named with sid
- lib/start.rb with console plugin attached (--airbrake will add Airbrake plugin also)
- lib/sid_service.rb
- lib/service_register.rb
- config/application.yml
- travis.yml
- .rvmrc.sample
- .rvmrc
- .rspec
- Gemfile
- .gitignore
Hi @pjanuario, I would suggest that instead of using .rvmrc, which is exclusive to RVM, you use .ruby-version, which can be read by other version managers such as RBEnv and ChRuby. That caters for users who use these other version managers, as well as RVM users.
Hi @RedFred7 thanks for your feedback, definitely something to consider. I only have experience with rvm but I will take your comment in consideration.
thanks @pjanuario. Actually I wouldn't mind doing this task, as I have some Rake experience and a current interest in queue-based micro-services.
@RedFred7 feel free to open a PR, we would apreciate it. This it's been open for while, because wasnt top priority but is really useful.
@RedFred7 are you using or considering using micro toolkit? feel free to ping me on twitter if you want to clarify anything.
ok will do, you're @pjanuario I presume?
No its @prnjanuario
The Twitter is @prnjanuario and github is @pjanuario unfortunately.
oops, I just followed the wrong person :)