
Searches in the wrong folder

To1ne opened this issue · 1 comments

To1ne commented

> rake localize

Generating en.lproj
rake aborted!
No Localisations found at /Users/toon/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/stringer-0.0.1/lib/stringer/stringer/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

I had to write my rake task like this:

desc "Run genstrings to update the Localizable.strings files"
task localize: :env do
  folder = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), @appname)
  %w(en).each do |locale|
    Stringer.run(locale, files_folder: folder, lproj_parent: folder)

Or am I doing something wrong here?

No, you're probably right (although since you're using ruby 2.2, you could use __DIR__ instead of File.dirname(__FILE__)).

Just setting the lproj_parent should work as well.